Saturday, December 31, 2011

Japanese Sumo Wrestling in Tokyo - Get the Skinny on This Traditional Sport

!: Japanese Sumo Wrestling in Tokyo - Get the Skinny on This Traditional Sport

Going to a Japanese sumo wrestling basho is definitely a one of a kind event. What's a basho? Basho is the special name given to each series of wrestling. If we're talking about football or soccer, we think of each season lasting for around 9 - 10 months with games every week. The world of sumo is different and you need to get your timing right if you want to catch one of these events during your stay.

When Does It Happen?

There are 6 Japanese sumo wrestling bashos per year in Japan, but only 3 of these take place in Tokyo. Each basho lasts for 2 weeks with fights taking place everyday during that 2 weeks. You can see what I mean about getting your timing right! The other locations, each hosting 1 basho per year, are Aichi in the north, Osaka in the middle of the country, and Fukuoka to the south.

Why Bother With Japanese Sumo Wrestling?

I promise you'll never forget the first time you go to see the basho in Tokyo. The whole day is a spectacle from the minute you get there to the minute you leave. Imagine getting to the station - most travel in Tokyo is made by train but that's another article - and seeing some extremely large guys, all kitted out in traditional kimono style clothing, strolling down the street apparently without a care in the world. The phrase 'bull in a china shop' springs to mind as you carefully navigate your way around them! Just kidding.... sort of.

From the flags flying outside the stadium, to the spectators outside tenaciously hanging onto their coveted spots to cheer their hero when he arrives, to the atmosphere inside the arena, this is definitely not your standard sporting event.

What Will You See At A Sumo Event?

Japanese sumo wrestling has some extremely unique and historical traditions that are all part of a sumo day out. Here's a list of some of the key elements:
Salt - You'll certainly see plenty of this being thrown around inside the ring. Why? This is to cleanse the ring and rid the area of any bad spirits that might upset the impending battle. The Stomp - A great exercise to strengthen your lower back and balance, a critical requirement in Japanese sumo wrestling. Watch the Yokozuna ceremony to see the perfect stomp in action! Ceremonial Aprons - It looks rather strange to see these big guys wearing aprons as they enter the ring, but before the final bouts at the end of the day this is exactly what happens.
Top Sumo Tips

When you're planning your trip to the basho, if you can, book your tickets in advance. This way you can be sure of the type of seat you will be given. The most expensive seats are near the ring itself but I would strongly recommend not buying these. The reason is simple. The area in front of the ring does not have any fixed seats for you to sit on! Instead, you are given an area of flooring and need to kneel, sit crossed legged, or adopt the formal 'seiza' Japanese style. Not the most comfortable position if you're not used to it.

Finally, to really get into the spirit of things, make sure you join in the shouts of 'Washoi!' for your chosen sumo wrestler as they enter the ring. When in Rome and all that.

Japanese Sumo Wrestling in Tokyo - Get the Skinny on This Traditional Sport

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Friday, December 16, 2011

WrestleMania 28: The Rock Vs John Cena - How Will It Work?

!: WrestleMania 28: The Rock Vs John Cena - How Will It Work?

For weeks, the primary storyline leading up to WrestleMania XXVII focused on a man who had essentially cut all ties to his roots and left the wrestling industry - the Rock. Many said he would never wrestle again; the majority of us hoped that we'd be proven wrong and he would. However, when he made his long-awaited return, it was to the tune of being a guest host rather than an in-ring participant. The idea was "better than nothing", but not what we were hoping for.

The build consisted heavily of promos between the Rock and John Cena, whom is regarded as virtually "the next Rock" or at the least, the man who took the reigns the Rock used to hold once Dwayne Johnson left to become an actor. The concept was there before it even began as John Cena had publicly spoken out in criticism of Johnson's departure from World Wrestling Entertainment. Making sure to hold off on the action and let it boil for the audience, the two continued to bash each other through mic-segments, some "live via satellite". This grew frustrating as the people wanted action, and when they finally got it, it came through as a quick altercation on the "go-home" episode of Raw and some outside interference that cost John Cena the win at WrestleMania to end the show. That was it...or so we thought.

The next night rolls around and suddenly we have an agreed upon main event already scheduled for next year's WrestleMania XXVIII - The Rock vs. John Cena. My first thought was "how is this going to work?"

The logistical nightmare of booking something as important as the main event of the biggest pay-per-view of the year so far in advance is mind-boggling. If you weigh the pros, you can see that both the Rock and John Cena are two of the biggest entities in WWE history. They draw money, they considerably helped with this year's spectacle, and they haven't had a match yet. In fact, they're one of the few "big money matches" that have never happened. The Rock coming back and having a match with ANYBODY would be something to pay attention to, but specifically joining up with John Cena is about the biggest potential you could have - similar to how they had previously booked The Rock vs. Hulk Hogan. Giving them a full year to promote this could be extremely advantageous in an entertainment field that relies on marketing. But then there are the cons...

This is an entire year. WWE doesn't exactly have the track record of sticking to long-term plans. They're far better at doing it than TNA, but you still quite often see pushes for wrestlers that burn bright and die fast or feuds that go nowhere. The biggest long-term angle recently was the Nexus which quickly saw the release of one member, the booting of another, two others fall to injuries, and a degeneration into repetitive beat downs that had no plot. We were even told that there was a greater scheme in the works and that we would be told of this eventually. At the time of this article's writing, the Nexus has already broken up its second version and 4 of the original members are now The Corre on Smackdown and doing nothing but the same gang-up attacks that the original Nexus did.

No inclination to the "bigger picture" was ever revealed and there wasn't even a particularly orchestrated climax to any of the feuds. We've got an anonymous Raw general manager that has remained anonymous for so long because they never had an idea in the first place and just happened to have struck gold and are riding it until they can no longer do so. What makes it plausible that this Cena/Rock main event can sustain a year's worth of time? Not only is the ADHD factor in place but there are also other problems. How do you book the build up when we've seen them cut so many promos for this year that it already became repetitive?

If you ignore it until say, Royal Rumble time, how do you transition from total focus to zero focus back to total focus again without it being too jarring? What happens if the somewhat injury prone John Cena falls victim to another necessary surgery? Backup plans must be put in place immediately to cover several different aspects of the show. If the Rock has to bail out, who does Cena face? If Cena can't make it, how do you salvage the Rock? What if both Rock and Cena can't, then what? This brings me to the topic of the Undertaker's undefeated streak, which has become one of the biggest attractions to the pay-per-view's lineage. The only way I can see them having a successful backup plan is to put forth that if the Rock somehow is absent, John Cena faces the Undertaker. If John Cena is out, the Rock more than likely faces the Miz or the Undertaker. If both Cena and Rock can fulfill their obligations, Undertaker has many more options (personally I would hope for Wade Barrett and not a third match against HHH). Having a backup plan is essential for something that has many potential weak structural points, especially since this isn't a smaller event like Over the Limit that can be slightly overlooked.

When it's all said and done, will the Rock versus John Cena meet expectations and hopes, going down as one of the biggest, most profitable, and most enjoyable main events of WrestleMania history, or will we be looking at a whole new set of cards in 12 months?

WrestleMania 28: The Rock Vs John Cena - How Will It Work?

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Equipment For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

!: Equipment For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

Everyone who decides to get into Brazilian Jiu Jitsu must follow the rules and have the proper equipment. This is for the safety of the fighter and of those he or she will be competing against during practice and competition.

But what do you need for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu? For starters, you will need to get yourself a Gi which is the official uniform that is worn by everyone.

The correct uniform has sleeves that are not more than a fist distance up the arm from the waist so that your opponent will be able to grab you which is one way for the opponent to score a point.

Since it is prone to wear and tear, you have to buy a new one every so often. This should also be kept clean at all times and among the different colors around, try getting blue or something darker which for obvious reasons is better than white.

The only way to improve in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu is to spar against your opponent. So you don't inflict any major damage, you should wear gloves and feet protectors.

You can find these online and in your neighborhood sporting goods store. These are available in both open and closed palm designs. This has to be checked by the instructor and if used in competition by the official to make sure it follows the standard of at least half inch of medium to soft foam.

A general rule for any equipment worn for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu especially the gloves is that it must never contain anything metal or plastic. You might think these are harmless but when it hits someone, it could cause a cut, scratch or something more serious.

No one wants a broke jaw so get yourself a mouth guard. Accidents do happen in the ring and one other part to protect especially for the men is the groin so wear a cap.

For the women, don't forget to put on a sports bra so if the Gi, gets loose, you don't show your breasts to everyone there.

Although this is optional except for fighters under 16 years of age, you can wear a helmet to protect your ears, eyes and forehead in the event of a frontal strike.

If you are not sparring, go and hit the heavy and throw some punches. This should weight at least a hundred pounds and measure 6 feet in height.

Aside from what you should wear during practice, a few other things you can buy to help improve your skill are a notebook and some videos. By taking down some notes and watching how other people do it, you can try and execute them during your next sparring.

All your Brazilian Jiu Jitsu equipment must be kept clean and in good condition at all times. It may cost a hundred dollars but this should last a good year or two before you have to replace it with another one.

Becoming a good Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighter will take a lot of hard work and having the right equipment around is not enough to do that. You have to devote your time and effort to developing your skill because your opponent will be doing the same thing. Who wants it more will determine who wins or losing during competition.

Equipment For Brazilian Jiu Jitsu

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